May 05, 2005 21:08
Hi. So almost a whole new semester has gone by without me updating. so here's the rundown of what i have done and who i have been and where i have gone and who i have done and been and gone with:
jan. 16th: 1st day back from christmas break, hooked up with matt
jan. 20th: officially started dating matt, left to go to my cousin's wedding in monterrey
delta gamma initiation
performed in Spring Awakening
spent 2 weeks in the health center before spring break, during which matt visited at least twice every day
mom came to get me from school early cause i was so sick
went to the ER, diagnosed with chronic tonsilitis and sinusitis
spent a week in bed
visited matt in portland for a few days
easter sunday: returned to school
got shingles
that friday: drove to and from seattle with dana to get his friends from the airport
that saturday: broke up with matt
that sunday: returned to seattle with dana, nat, dan, and meadows for opening day mariners vs. twins game
that tuesday: got speeding ticket a block outside my development, returned to walla walla
that wednesday: got back together with matt
that friday: craziest day/night of my life, complete with hot tub orgy
that saturday: went home for shawn's play
that sunday: rock climbed for the first time at vantage with matt's trip
got eye infection
following friday: went home with emily for Damn Yankees and saw many friends for very brief periods of time.
following friday: got really drunk at dragfest
that saturday: got REALLY drunk at dg sneak, participated in second low-grade orgy
that (last) thursday: slept through garden presentation, went to dg pledge dance
this thursday (today): slept through garden presentation. again.