Oct 24, 2009 23:00
- 11:56 I have been charged with researching hens party games. I think I'm going to vom. #
- 12:03 @ lindawriting1 THE PARTY IS TODAY. I've actually found some funny ones. #
- 12:04 @ lindawriting1 By which I mean, I've found some that aren't entirely awful. #
- 12:07 Dare the Hen: "Convince a gothic person to let you glitter them." Wow. Daring. bit.ly/QO81m #
- 12:08 Then there's The Chocolate Suck, which involves a Polly Waffle. Does pretty much what it says on the tin. tinyurl.com/ygve9qn #
- 12:20 @ lindawriting1 Have fun getting pampered! #
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