Apr 03, 2005 23:20
The only remotely funny joke I heard on friday….
What did one duck say to the other duck at the bar?
Put 'em on the bill. (For those that didn't come of age in the early '90's, Sir Mix A lot reference, "put 'em on the glass" <3)
Since I was unfortunate enough to work with the public April 1, I heard variations of, "I hope you don't play any April-Fools'-day jokes on my bank account!!! HAHA!" all day. Sigh. I also dealt with my fair share of (attempted) cheesy pranks and general lameness.
I have come to the conclusion that April Fools' day is a holiday expressly created for comedy amateurs and generally unfunny people, so they can engage in laaame pranks and pretend to have a marginal sense of humor for one day and feel better about themselves…or something. Who would take anything seriously that seemed remotely implausible on April Fools? April 1st is its own huge, blinking, fire-engine-neon red, 'tard detector sign.
That's not to say that having a laugh can't be done. It just requires some finesse and a little comic je ne sais quoi.