that squirrel threw a tomato at me!

Jul 28, 2006 20:51

Tomorrow will be the first time in 13 days that I haven’t worked 10 hour days or been in a car on the way to/from Michigan. YEA! To celebrate we will go kayaking with
tadpoll…and do laundry.

We were in Michigan last weekend for a friend's wedding. It was sweet and lovely and everything weddings should be. Along the way we decided that Lansing, MI deserved a place on the “could be a good place to live someday list,” while Ohio (sorry
bearmar) and Indiana didn’t make the cut.


For those of you who have yet to pay me a visit…we live in a typical suburban neighborhood named after a lovely fictional forest. It has the typical cookie cutter houses and aside from the streets named after trees and wildlife the only remnants of the forest it once was, are the mushrooms that appear everywhere after a nice rain, and the little cottontail bunnies that make themselves at home when the sun goes down.

Oh, and of course the squirrels. The squirrels are the true lords of the land. They rule with an insistent gluttony that rivals Henry the VIII. We thought that by growing tomatoes this summer we would satisfy the lords' demands and we could securely reside in our little hovel. Yet this evening, as
bearvis and I were crossing the yard on a leisurely walk, we were sent a warning from the land lords. One of the squirrels sent a half eaten tomato hurling through the air from his lofty place in the tree and very nearly hit us! I suppose that this means it is time to put out an offering of bird seed.

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