So, it occurs to me that I should post…
Two weeks ago I had 'the blah'…I decided that this was caused by some sort of virus that makes you chronically fatigued and generally ‘eh’ feeling. I’m a microbiologist…I should know.
Last week I was feeling better....
Saturday: hosted paint your own pottery bridal shower for
Sunday: pretending to be a photographer, I took
bearmar’s and M’s portrait.
Monday: Holliday! I got a hair cut instead of going to work. I also went to see the
Aspen Santa Fe Ballet*…which was astounding.
Tuesday: Gave my students a 15 page midterm.
Wednesday: Picked up
pottery (see Saturday) and the
City Paper, which happened to have a familiar picture in it….
Thursday: Sent in lesson to
Friday: Gave make-up exam to previously infected student (bronchitis…not ‘the blah’).
Saturday (again): shopping with
tadpoll (and
madd_hadder) for up coming wedding/cruise… now I need shoes. Finalized (touch-up, lighting effects, and teeth whitening) and printed
bearmar’s portrait (see Sunday). Also,
Now for next week….
*this site works with internet explorer but not with firefox...