Florence the nurse.

Feb 03, 2006 10:49

undo this stupid bra.
undo it undo it undo it,
when its become un done
do it back.
when its done back,
be glad your a respectable girl again.
You are not a knight.
You have a vagina and a womb
you can be a nurse,
and help the knights.
You can dress their wounds
using your keen sense of wombly hood.
and make love to them,
when they ache from love tendons
silly archives.
just dont shine on
from the canope
where infedels follow
fiddle fidels
and remember
as god is giving you
and wretched wrangler ecstasy.
Their are floor mites fighting,
outside the canape.
For sakely jail brooms
and for jumping jacks,
for lightning,
branches, baseballs
linoleums, politics
pickup preists
let down leases
easy currents
breezy merchants
smiling frogs
yelping no ones
hell fire criminals
bells going higher and higher and higher,
and rusting apocolyptic dreams.
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