Period of Limited Availability.

Apr 02, 2007 22:06

Period of Limited Availability.

as many of you already know I haven't been around much. I'm extremly sorry for that, I really cannot apologize enough. I've beens waped with school work, papers, exams, and on top of that presentations. When I'm finally done with it all I just konk.

I hope the majority of you all can understand, school is my priority, it's first and foremost, however I understand the problems my being absent a lot may cause.

If anyone needs to discuss anythign with me go ahead and post a comment here or simply e-mail me @

If it's absoltuely important we need to rp then go ahead and e-mail me a short list of times that work for you, otherwise I can only ask for your patience as I work through a few things. I should have a tons of free time within the next week or so before I get flooded with papers and presentations and exams again.
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