Jul 31, 2005 11:53
hows it goin peeps? well last night was fucking wild, i loved it. i went to jenn dames 18th birthday bash. there was a lot of ppl there n a pool. it was weird cuz there was a lot of people there i had met like once a long time ago....like jills bf jason, ive heard all this comosion abot him and it turns out he was at my house in gr 9 with james.B, cuz he was his cousin. and brigette from jr high was there, thsi girl that was jenn dames friend who went with us to pick up report cards a while ago was there, n just ppl who i know ive met before but couldnt put my finger on it was there. and jenn dames bf turns out to be thsi girl natellies ex bf who may have been the one to get her pregnant, and i met her yesterday. and a few ppl thre knew my friends from transcona n im lile :O holy shit, small world. but i guess in wpg everyone sorta knows everyone either directly or indirectly. i met a lot of cool people there.
i got pretty damn drunk n we were blowign these condom things, u know like when u blow on those birthday whistles n they pop/roll out, well it was liek that but with condoms haha. i took a lot of crazy pics.
i tried to get guys to lick their nipples lol they werent very successful. im surprised there was that many hot guys. one in particular is this guy matt haha hes ogin into gr 11, ya im a cougar again i guess. n hes this guy mike H's brother, which is weird cuz i never woudla guess till he told me. n i told him how i thought his brothr mike was a girl before bc he has long long blonde hair and i was really drunk n thoguht he was my friend breanna haha. anyways we tlaked for a while and he got my number n im supposed ot go to one of his friends n his bush parties lol. oh deer. i actually kinda miss being young n immature n having bush parties lol.
i asked him to come ot the bathroom with me cuz i really had to pee n he did, he insisted on taking his skateboard, how strange, but whatever. and for the record i went pee by myself, not with him in there lol. everyone thoguth we fooled aroudn but we didnt thank u very much! jesse.R will testify to that cuz he was in line lol.
another crazy thing happened but i cant talk about it incase my brothers friend dan is reding this haha so if u wanna know the r rated version of a diff thing, just talk to me on msn. :P
anywhos, it started pouring like mad and a bunch of us went ot karens house, iots weird, ive hung out wiht more ppl from hgihschool after highschool was over. i liek it tho, it makes it easier to deal with the goodbye thing. ugh i cant even thnk about it. ya im in denial i dont care. n then i left cuz i was craving pizza so bad n nobody would go get it for me lol. n i accidently took someone elses shoes haha. owell. calan is comming ot pick them up right now as we speak.
when i got home the streets were flooded again. last time htis happeed my neighbour ashly went tubing on the streets lol how fucking fun. but this time it was me n my neighbior steven and i just danced in the rain n kicked all the water, it went up to my calf muscle.
then i went home n passed out.
the day before yesterday i went to pauls party, one of lees friends. it was pretty funny. i brought christa, shaun sabodian, and this girl natellie who i just met which was their friend. i love her, shes so gigley n nice. i had to leave early cuz i had to work the next morning n offere them a ride home but they stayed later anyways. kinda weird cuz they just met lee n paul etc that night haha but cool. everyone seemed to have had a good time.
man work can be so mind numbing boring, i dont know what to do with myself.
fuck im so glad life got unboring. im sick of ppl not partyign n getting wild n just working or whatever, just being safe. people are so bland these days, well up until the past 2 days that is lol. its my friend jenn. A's birthday today! whoop whoop.party central. no this is what im tlakigmn about. i have had my past 2 summers be the best summer sin the fucking world, like i try to top them eah year but this year i havent been able to n im kinda upset about that. maybe things will change tho, ill see.