how do i become a mustachioed lion of london society?

Jan 20, 2010 20:08

apparently i've had this journal for a good four years. i started it in 8th grade, but soon realized (thankfully) that my posts were too embarrassing, thus many of them were deleted. each post consisted of something like "WHY DOESN'T ANY1 UNDERSTAND ME?! I JUST LIEK WERING BLACK AND LIZTENING TO FOB. LOL WEERD."

better times are ahead.

since my last post, i've stopped wearing brown and started sporting white and blue. that's right, kids, claire is going to barnard college. it always surprises me that not many people have heard of it before. should i just start saying "i'm going to columbia university without penises?" no, that doesn't sound the best. also, in my humble little opinion, barnard>columbia. there, i said it. they recently sent out a job listing to help with their zine collection and under the "required skills" section, it said "extensive knowledge of punk music and zines."

i have two more finals to go and then i'm officially a second semester senior. it's amazing how far away freshmen year seems now. i'd turn on my cliché generator and throw out a few, but i think you understand what i'm getting at.
as suburban and safe oak park is, i need to leave. there's a reason why hemingway's greatest works are not set in oak park, illinois. he knew what i'm talking about.

i think i'm going deaf. i blame it on gatsby, the world's worst dog.

well, i have to review over 3000 years of art history and write a paper on what i have learned in AP college english so far. how do i find 500 words to say "nothing?"

nothing. rien. niks. asgjë. لا شيء. нічога. нищо. res. 无. ništa. nic. ingenting. mitte midagi. wala. ei mitään. nada. nichts. δεν. כלום. कुछ नहीं. semmi. ekkert. tidak ada. faic. niente. 何もない. 없음. nekas. niekas. ништо. xejn. ingen ting. هیچ چیز. nic. nimic. ничего. ништа. nič. hakuna kitu. ไม่มี อะไร. hiçbir şey. нічого. không có gì. dim. גאָרנישט.

that was all from the top of my head.
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