One week gone.

May 20, 2008 16:16

So I left school last week.
I now only need to go in for exams, or if I want to ( and i don't ) then I can go in for revision periods.
Being off school is quite weird, mainly because I haven't got a daily routine anymore. It used to be; Get up, get ready, go to school, do lessons, see friends, go home, do homework/coursework and whatever else i wanna do.
Now it's; Do whatever i want to do, and include revision.
Theres only so much "Whatever I want to do" that I can actually do. Then "whatever I want to do" becomes "things I wanted to do but have now done".
The ironic thing is that on my days off school i've actually gone back up to school, in my school uniform, at lunch times just to see some people (Sophie, Jenny and those girls).

The last day of school was a mix of experiences for me.
I had butterflys in my stomach all day, and got quite excited towards the end, yet sad at the same time. Is it possible to feel happiness and sadness at the same time? I suppose it would be for a schizophrenic.
After leaving, I went back to mine and then went up to Ed's house for a water fight, in which i got soaked. Ended up taking my top off for the rest of the evening. We ended up walking round highworth for a few hours. Yeah, half-naked walking for a few hours round Highworth. Good times.
I got something around fifty pictures of my last day. I'll put them up over the next week, i've also got a video to create with all videos taken over the past week and a bit, and of the last few days. Also included in the video will be a bunch of pictures. Going to take a while to create it though.

I've done three exams so far. R.E, Maths, and one of my English exams.
R.E was mainly opinions, so I managed to voice some religious opinions officially. Lord knows what i actually ended up saying. I can't really remember, I know I was highly sarcastic in some of my answers though. Think my journal, but watered down so that I could fit in nicely into an exam, and still get a decent grade.

It hasn't properley sunk in yet that i'm not seeing all of my friends every day like normal. I suppose it'll properley hit me when i'm sat in college in september and I look around my class and think "Who the fuck are all these people... damn, that one's ugly".

I'm up at my Dad's next week, haven't been up to Barrow in months. Since around new year. Should be good to be back up there again. Also, going to see iron man again this weekend (Yes... again.)

Not much else to talk about, going to Sophie's tomorrow... Erm, that's pretty much it.

Pictures will be up ASAP (But not today). But soon.
Check back soon.

Love is like selotape, real good for making two things one.
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