Dec 21, 2004 19:47
So what day of Christmas is today? I never knew if we were supposed to count backwards from 25 or from 31. Christmas songs are confusing. I'm gonna say it's the 8th day of Christmas, so enjoy your maids a'milking.
So obviously, Christmas is coming. I may be a tad excited. I like Christmas. I never got to have good ones when I was a kid. I mean, they weren't horrible. I never lacked for family and love and all that stuff. We just weren't always in the best of financial straits so sometimes presents had to be reduced or skipped, or we didn't have a tree, so we'd drive around outside looking at everyone else's lights and pretending they were ours. Wow, that's a sappy sob story. Anyway. So now I got some moolah and I kinda enjoy making sure everyone has a great Christmas, not just me. I swung by Toys R'Us the other day and bought a ton of stuff for Toys for Tots, so I hope those go to kids who are gonna love them. I also probably bought out the other half of Toys 'R Us for Brianha. I don't got any kids of my own, so I spoil the ones I can. Sue me. Although the Nintendo DS was a present for me. . . . from me. Love yourself, I always say.
Joe's still kinda twitchy, I think. He's taken to waking up early in the morning and reaching across the bed to make some sort of contact. Make sure I'm still there or something. I don't blame him. Now I just kinda expect his touch and I reply with a loving thwack on his head and say "I'm still here, fuckwad. Go back to sleep." And he makes some sort of 'oof' noise, and does. It's cute. Then usually around 7 or 8, Bri comes in from her room armed with whatever her choice of cereal is for the morning (Justin, this is your influence!) and crawls in the bed and she and I watch Spongebob while eating cereal out of the box with our hands. Joey sleeps through the whole thing usually and only wakes up when Bri starts sticking cereal in his ear or something.
Ah, cozy domesticity.
Lance informed me he's planning on kidnapping JC to Paris after the holidays. Joey, why don't you ever take me anywhere nice? I mean, Denny's is great and all . . . but I want glamour. Romance. Excitement. You know what that means.
Texas, that is.