wednesday we had the day off.. and of course.. i was sick. i was supposed to go to the mall with cassie but had to cancel. didn't go to school yesterday, so i had to miss the freshman game we were gonna cheer at. i was gonna go today cause i felt fine but my parents made me stay home. so since i missed school, i can't go to practice, and i can't cheer at the game tomorrow. which really sucks. and i'm gonna have a ton of work to make up on monday =[ i can ask friends what i missed but that would do nothing cause i didn't bring home any books since i finished my hw in free on tuesday
not really sure whats going on tomorrow maybe theres a swim meet or the school play or something
sunday is katie's confirmation.. she gets a party with friendsss afterward. i just had family ugh.
katie told me i should ask jeffey to homecoming hahahaha
hmmmm doesnt seem like i have anythign else to say... ummmm so i guess thats it i'll write later♥♥
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