May 08, 2005 23:05
so i havn't updated in awhile
i dont remember everything that happened in the past week
i think it might have been monday when we played chipp?they r in the red n the score was 1-2 we playedd good :)
Wednesday we tied...ya.. then friday port huron northern we won 5-2 i had a hat trick lol we played pretttty good... there not many games left
Newaysss- wat else has been goin' onn.. liek 5 more week of school leftt dawgg. wow can not waittttttttttt.
This weekend was good; went to the track meet saturday...n later me n my sister went shoppin for my mom 4 mothers day. lmao dragged bryan along.
probalbly wanted to kill one of ussssss. i cant shop w/ my sister lmao its alrighttt tho he made it thro ittt ;) hahaha
went to church 2day lol the priest gave flowers to the oldest mom, newest mom - baby was 10 weeks old, n the mom w/ the oldest kid left in there house who was like 49...if im 49 n still living w/ my mom... idk wat id do.. and like the mom w/ the most kids... 13 kiDsss ..wooww. haha but neways it was cute
rest of the day pretty much chyll day like alwaysss <3
yeah weLL goin 2 bed - so night. :)