Stream 1
11/2/85The "Incident" occurs in New York. An estimated 3 million die in initial blast, with an additional two million dying from exposure to entity.
11/3/85 Both Warsaw Pact and NATO countries sign agreement to end hostilities to focus on a possible future scenario based on Incident.
12/25/85Article in New Frontiersman is published questioning the death of government-sponsored vigilante Edward Blake based on the journal of Walter Kovacks. Article is largely ignored due to nature of Kovack's condition as a psychopath.
12/26/85 Investigation into disappearances of various people eventually lead to possibility that the Incident was a perpetration.
12/27/85 Sparks fly as both sides of the world blame each other for the Incident.
12/28/85 The End is Nigh.
Research for Stream 1 led into Stream 2 was generated
Stream 2
12/26/85 - Elements that lead to results indicated from Stream 1 purged through intervention of an Adrian Veidt. Investigations comes to a standstill with no results.
12/27/85 - Parts salvaged from entity indicates possibility that life outside of Universe is largely carbon-based.
12/28/85 - Parts are sent to various laboratories for further research.
1/11/86 - Two months after the incident, side-effects from survivors indicated a heightened sense of perception.
5/27/86 - A paper is published by researchers at Tokyo University, indicating the possibility of a next stage of human evolution.
6/1/86 - Research begins into development of improved human sensory perception for defence purposes. An 'esper' race secretly begins.
7/1/86 - Half a year after the disappearance of John Osterman, a cult emerges celebrating his possible reincarnation.
7/7/86 - SETI starts airing transmissions amongst its other messages, hoping for a response for Osterman.
8/3/86 - Akira, surname unknown, is brought into study. He is referred to as #28
12/27/86 - Diplomatic tensions are disturbeded when a Soviet esper and an American esper kill each other.
5/8/87 - Development of #28 is remarkable in contrast to his fellow students. Starts to demonstrate unusual behaviour
8/8/87 - #28 makes an unverifiable prophetic statement. Researchers choose to overlook matter.
12/12/87 - Tensions between both sides increase as squabbles between espers lead to diplomatic nightmares.
5/8/88 - #28 disappears. Military commences an immediate search for his disappearance.
8/8/88 - A nuclear explosion occurs over Tokyo. Three million die.
8/9/88 - Both sides start to blame each other for explosion. Fabricated evidence from explosions is obtained by both sides to incriminate the other.
8/10/88 - The End Is Nigh
Stream 2 deemed unfavourable, despite proof that the Eastern bloc has room for potential. Alternate stream, stream 3, generated in light of neglected event.
Stream 3
4/26/86 - Overlooked accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Soviet Union arises. Site is evacuated immediately due to radiation hazard. Incident pales in comparison to earlier incident, and thus, is largely ignored.
5/27/85 - Interest in esper research and the 'positive' potential effects of radiation result in increase interest in Pripyat.
6/26/86 - A group of scientists, codenamed S.T.A.L.K.E.R., is moved to Pripyat. Their purpose of studying the site for humanitarian purposes obscures their more insidious, government-sponsored agenda.
1/20/1989 - Nixon dies from an assasination attempt, ending more than 20 years of presidency.
5/5/1989 - Following election, Ronald Reagan is elected into office.
11/9/1989 - Berlin wall falls, signifying the end of communism. America in state of unrest after assasination of Ronald Reagan.
12/1989 - Contact with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is cut off. Group falls into obscurity and is largely forgotten as the Soviet bloc breaks up. Cordon at Pripiyat is maintained a skeleton crew under the Ukrainian military.
11/2/1990 - Memorial held 5 years after the Incident at New York. Essay published in New Frontiersman suggests that Incident at New York led to the fall of Communism.
12/25/1990 - Dying man is found by soldiers a few kilometres from Cordon, not too far from actual Zone of Alienation. Dying man claims to be a member of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., and that John Osterman made a sudden appearance before the group.
1/1/1991 - Sightings of bizzare mutations are sighted in Pripyat.
2/2/1991 - Undetermed
Stream 3 ending deemed unsatisfactory. Merge with Stream 2 and provide addition of other elements....
Stream 4
8/3/86 - Akira, surname unknown, is brought into study. He is referred to as #28
7/7/87 - Effects of Chernobyl Incident reminds individuals of the dangers of nuclear warfare. Pope John Paul II calls for immediate nuclear disarmanent.
8/10/88 - After the destruction of Tokyo, investigation leads to the conclusion that decimated was caused by #28. All research into espers is terminated in most areas.
12/26/1990 - Journal of dead S.T.A.L.K.E.R. member, name classified, indicates possibility that an esper signal sent by #28, resulted in the descent of John Osterman. Amongst the list of items found on him include a pistol-shaped device designed to produce significant emotional stress when aimed at head. Journal indicated that Osterman's presence may have been brief.
7/7/1997 - An elementary student in Tokyo, Japan, is found in her school courtyward, after spending an entire night created an unusual image using chalk on the school track.
7/8/1997 - Local art critics say the girl, Haruhi, drew the lines after reading about the Incident in New York, the Tokyo Explosion and the Chenobyl Disaster as a form of sympathy. Is declared as 'bunk' by school principal.
1/1/99 - Undetermined
Stream still found unsatisfactory.
Ah well, nothing ever changes