
Apology - A New Year's Resolution

Dec 31, 2007 14:49

It is ironic that I am going to beginnignt his enw year with an apology, at least for this journal. However, I feel this apology is due, specifically for this moment, and for the few people that do read this journal. In aprticualr, Jave, and maybe a few others, if any wish to be counted.

I had a number of plans in mind when I started 2007, but,a s far as web activites were concerned, I went largely unnoticed in 2007. Perhaps it was meant to be this way.

I have many resolutions when it comes to 2008. But, as far as this journal, and any web-based activites are concerned, my first resolyution will be to fulfill the promises I outlined in December 2006. You can tracback to see what I ahd in mind for 2007, which never got fulfilled. But they will be.

Other then that, here's to 2008.
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