There's a lot of pictures of Hugh and Callum and Rico coming out of Monte Carlo - I make no guarantees that I haven't duplicated anything. On the other hand, one can never have too many pictures of Callum, Hugh or Rico.
Check out the list of C6D archives and resources here.
Remember to check out the Conventions and Meet-ups list for new events.
A schedule of challenges and ficathons is listed here.
Please consider archiving your works at one of the many archives available and backing up your journal.
Next week's due South rewatch chat will be held on June 20th and will feature The Man Who Knew Too Little and The Wild Bunch, starting at 2 PM EST. Contact akamine_chan for more information.
Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome. Contact the moderator at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or c6d.weekly at gmail dot com.