Happy 2010, everyone!

Jan 07, 2010 01:56

You may have noticed that c6d_weekly took an impromptu hiatus over the holidays. Between job stress and holiday stress and other fannish commitments I just didn't have the time for c6d_weekly.

But I'm back. With a few changes.

The hiatus was really nice. Not that I don't enjoy putting together c6d_weekly, but honestly it is an extremely time consuming affair. I usually spend an hour or two every day culling through Google Alerts, and then I spend anywhere from 6 to 8 hours on Wednesday nights sifting through LiveJournal entries and blogs and even more Google Alerts.

This eats up a significant amount of my fannish time, which in turn is cutting into my writing time. And I want to change that. I need to change that.

So, changes. The first change is that c6d_weekly is moving to Monday nights. That gives me time to work on the newsletter over the weekend, rather than staying up late Wednesday nights to get it done. The second change is that I'm dropping the Google Alerts and restricting content to what's on LiveJournal and a few outside blogs. Those who are intent on a specific actor or show, for the most part, have their own Google Alerts set up to catch breaking news anyway. It feels redundant for me to continue to track for news that people have already heard about.

I'm hoping these two simple changes will make it easier to maintain c6d_weekly. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to comment. Otherwise, I'll see you next Monday with the first issue of c6d_weekly of 2010.


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