Week 16 - April 17th to April 23rd

Apr 23, 2008 21:55

Week 16 - April 17th to April 23rd

    Moderator Notes:
    Still looking for some help:
  • Take a moment to leave feedback. This is your chance to tell me what you like and don't like and most likely it will get changed. Is the format confusing? Is it readable? Should everything go under a lj-cut? Let me know what you think.
  • Look over the list of communities and the list of fandoms. Let me know about anything that might be missing.
  • Come up with questions that might need to be answered by a FAQ.
  • slidellra has made some wonderfully beautiful modly C6D icons - check them out! atlantisgrrl has offered to help with other icons. Thank you so much to both of them for their generosity.
  • The community needs a banner, something that shows off the diversity of the C6D fandoms. Again, if someone would be willing to donate the time and talent to make it, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Please feel free to contact me at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or akaminechan at gmail dot com.

Community News:
  • Dinner with CKR was auctioned off on Ebay.ca for charity. Bidding ended on April 20th. The winning bid was for $3,472CA (US$3,409). [note outside LJ link]

  • The First Weekend Club is a non-profit organization that “strives to build audiences for great Canadian films through grassroots initiatives such as special screenings, Q&As with talent, premiere parties, movie alerts and much more! First Weekend Club is a free cross Canada film club that encourages members to attend opening weekend screenings. Hence the name, First Weekend Club." The First Weekend Club has started a DVD Club, which will be similar to a book club. “Each month a new DVD will be selected and throughout the month we will have an ongoing moderated discussion on our forum about the film. Participants will also be treated to "special guest appearances" by filmmakers, talent, film experts, etc." [note outside LJ links]

  • CBS has announced it's summer schedule - Flashpoint (inspired by Toronto's Emergency Task Force) starring HD will premier July 11th.

  • Next week's C6D chat will be held on April 26th and will feature part one of the Trojan Horse, starting at 9 PM EST. Contact sisterofdream or malnpudl for more information

  • Bruce McDonald's newest film The Tracey Fragments will be playing across the country in the next couple of months. It will be playing at the Northwest Film Forum in Seattle starting June 13th. It will be shown at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film Festival on April 25th and April 28th. It will also be shown at the Independent Film Festival Of Boston on April 25th and April 27th, as well as the Filmfest DC on April 25th and April 26. If you are interested in attending with other C6D fen, comment to this post with when and where. [note outside LJ links]

  • Con.txt, a multimedia slash convention, is being held June 13th through June 15th in Silver Spring, Maryland. See con_txt for more information.

  • zabira is looking for fic or meta on Falling Angels for her upcoming the_ckr_files post. If you have anything to contribute, please let her know.

  • The complete list of nominees for the Leo Awards, honouring the best in B.C.'s film and TV industry, has been released. CKR has been nominated for best lead performance by a male in a feature length drama for his work in Normal. [note outside LJ links]

    Challenges/Ficathons News:
  • ds_aprilfools - begins April 1st and running until April 30th - the goal is to produce one C6D bit of fannish creativity every day for the month of April - being run very wonderfully by spuffyduds.

  • C6D Arbor Day Cardathon is being run by sisterofdream to uncelebrate Arbor Day. Cards should have been mailed by April 18th. Arbor Day is April 25th.

  • The masterlist of point standings for amplificathon has been updated. The current leader is leviticus_lied with 194 points.

  • theyhaveaplan is running their first icon challenge - the miniseries. See this post for details. Challenge 1 closes on April 25th

  • tm_challenge is having a “Light Out Of Darkness" challenge, ending May 2nd. Please see this post for details.

  • ds_snippets's Challenge 64 has five lovely new prompts: beginning, end, roller coaster, turquoise and What it was that drove me here/Well, a fifth of it was nerve - “Losing Control" - Headstones. Snippets are due by April 27th.

  • There is a new challenge community for small fandoms - smallfandomflsh. smallfandomflsh is “a small fandom flashfic community where we will offer up a writing challenge every two weeks in the hopes of generating more fanfic in our favorite small fandoms." The first challenge is the Virgin Challenge, which runs until May 7th.

    Battlestar Galactica
    Hard Core Logo
    Paris Or Somewhere
    Tin Man

    Battlestar Galactica
    Paris Or Somewhere

    Battlestar Galactica

    Snow Cake


    Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome.
  • week 16, 2008

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