Community News and Announcements
- Announcements
- remix_redux 7 is getting ready to gear up. Keep an eye open for future developments.
- silentflux is running a multi-fandom zombie comment fic at her journal. Go check it out!
- Awards
- Chats
- Next week's C6D chat will be held on May 2nd and will feature episodes of due South, starting at 8 PM EST. Contact sisterofdream for more information.
- Movie Festivals
- Politics
Battlestar Galactica
- Challenges/Ficathons
- Fanfic
- Vids
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Fanfic
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Miscellaneous
- ckr_tongue_luv is running a challenge to show how obsessive you are about CKR. Go join the fun.
Da Vinci's Inquest
- Fanfic
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Ongoing Challenges/Ficathons. See the schedule for more details.
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Screencaps/Pictures
My Life As A Dog
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Miscellaneous
- bjohan57 posted links to a fen's meeting with PG and PG being the spokesman for the SickKids Foundation.
- bjohan57 posted links to Part 1 and Part 2 to the First Weekend Club's Q&A.
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
Slings & Arrows
Tin Man
- Fanfic
Wilby Wonderful
Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome. Contact the moderator at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or akaminechan at gmail dot com. ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/akamine_chan/pic/0007kh3r)