Community News and Announcements
- Announcements
- Sign-ups have started for the last Sweet Charity auction. podfic_lover posted some information here.
- Awards
- Chats
- Next week's C6D chat will be held on March 28th and will feature Twitch City, starting at 8 PM EST. Contact sisterofdream for more information.
- Conventions
- Communities
- lolfraks is “a community dedicated to keeping the constant lulz that BSG brought us alive and well." Please check it out.
- Movies
- primroseburrows posted a link to Front Lines, a documentary about World War I from the Canadian perspective. PG narrates parts of the film.
- Movie Festivals
- Politics
- Television
Battlestar Galactica
- Challenges/Ficathons
- Fanfic
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Fanfic
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Miscellaneous
Gross Misconduct
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
Last Night
- Ongoing Challenges/Ficathons. See the schedule for more details.
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
Tin Man
Twitch City
Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome. Contact the moderator at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or akaminechan at gmail dot com.