six degrees of Canada Valentine's Day cardathon 2010

Dec 13, 2009 19:55

Announcing - or really, pre-announcing - the second not actually annual C6DVD cardathon! This event is a special kind of ficathon where participants send each other in-character Valentine's Day cards. In other words, instead of sending a third-person story about a character, you're actually sending a card from one character to another. Valentine's Day is for lovers, so requests can be either het-oriented or slash-oriented, but not gen.

Fandoms covered by this cardathon include due South and any fandom eligible for the Midsummer ficathons (midsummer2006, midsummer2007, midsummer2009), which are mostly TV shows and movies with at least one of Callum Keith Rennie or Paul Gross. You may request any character in these shows. RPF is allowed. Crossovers are allowed, but at least one of your requests must not be a crossover. If you're not sure if a fandom is eligible, ask!

You can request up to four pairings/threesomes. They can be all from one fandom, or from four different fandoms, and at least one must not be a crossover. Your assigned card-sender is only required to send one card. You must offer to write at least one set of characters in one fandom, and the more you offer, the easier it will be to match you.

You can either use a commercial Valentine's Day card, or make your own. If you make your own card, there is no wordcount requirement. If you use a commercial card, you must write (or rather, the character must write!) a message of at least 100 words in your card. Yes, this involves giving out your mailing address (and possibly your name, if you need that to be on your mail to receive it). Nobody will see it except for me, and the person who is assigned to write your card. If you have issues with this, contact me; we have a number of possible options.

Signups will be announced on ds_noticeboard, c6d_universe, and in my journal isiscolo. If you are afraid of missing the announcement, you can subscribe to my 'cardathon' tag (or the 'challenge: c6dvd' tag here). Tentative schedule is:
Signups: Wednesday Dec 30 - Tuesday Jan 5
Assignments sent: Thursday Jan 7
Cards must be sent by: Tuesday Feb 2
Master list and optional reveal will be posted: Sunday, February 14

The sign-up post will contain detailed rules and information. You can see last year's sign-up post here (although there will be a few rule changes), and last year's master list here.

ETA: if you will not have internet access during the sign-up period, but are confident that you will be able to meet the deadline, you may sign up early. Send me email,, with the dates you will unavailable, and we will make arrangements.

challenge: c6dvd

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