[something like a letter (the kind that someone writes but never sends) for Osaraba!]

Jul 31, 2010 13:55

*dashes in and uses WiFi at Denny's in Madison, WI while on road trip*

Title: something like a letter (the kind that someone writes but never sends)
Author: sionnain
Recipient: osaraba
Fandom: Durham County (set pre-series)
Characters/Pairing: Mike Sweeney, Ray Prager (possibly implied Mike/Ray, if you squint.)
Prompt request: hockey
Genre: mixed-media
Summary: A collection of letters written to Mike Sweeney from Ray Prager.
Warnings: References canon events (suicide, rape, murder)

AN: Osabara, I hope you like this! I wanted to do something a little different for this challenge, and when I saw your prompt request of 'hockey', I got the idea of Ray sending Mike letters from hockey camp. Then it kind of grew from there! Thanks to waltzforanight for a beta-read, and to my boy for patiently scanning a lot of really weird things at work so I could have jpegs to work with. <3!

something like a letter (the kind that someone writes but never sends)

If anyone has trouble viewing this, let me know (it will play in your browser, there is no need to download anything). I also have it as a PDF. Osaraba, I saved all the hand-written stuff--if you want it for any reason, drop me a PM with your address and I'm happy to mail it to you. (Weirdest package to receive EVAR.)

challenge: midsummer 2010, durham county, fic

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