Hi there, C6D fandom!
I was just recently pointed here and I thought I'd say hello. I pretty recently discovered ReGenesis (and Peter Outerbridge), and I've become a huge fan since then. It's such a shame the fandom is so small. I think I must have read any ReGenesis fanfic that's out there (even the slashy ones although non-canon slash isn't really my thing), and because there is shamefully little out there, I've written a few of my own. I hope self-pimping is okay, so here goes:
MartyrAuthor: TeeJay (
Genre: Gen
Characters/Pairings: David, Mayko
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Uhm... colourful language? Can't have David without it.
Summary: After David is released from the hospital after his car accident, Mayko leaves for Denver to find out what the deal with the Spanish flu is. However, before she does, she pays David a visit in his office. Episode tag to 1x13.
Picking Up The PiecesAuthor: TeeJay (
Genre: Het
Characters/Pairings: David/Jill
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Uhm... colourful language? Can't have David without it.
Summary: After David having received bad news, Jill is there to pick up the pieces. Quite literally.
Timeline: This is set post-series, but let's please assume that Jill has found her way back to Toronto and Jill and David somehow managed to make a semblance of a relationship work.
The Past Is Never PastAuthor: TeeJay (
Genre: Gen
Characters/Pairings: David, Bob
Rating: PG-13 (borderline R for language)
Warning: Uhm... colourful language? Can't have David without it. Summary, Author's Note and fic are all kinda spoilery for pretty much everything up to episode 4x13.
Summary: Three years radio silence, and now Bob wants to apologize?
Anyone watch the fantastic show Bomb Girls that aired on Global TV in January/February? If so, I've written one story for that too.
Don't You Come UndoneAuthor: TeeJay (
Genre: Het
Characters/Pairings: Lorna/Bob
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Spoilers for episode 1x06 "Elements of Surprise"
Summary: Lorna knows she will have to tell her husband eventually. She just didn't think it'd be like this.
Timeline: This takes place one or two weeks after episode 1x06.
Alternatively, you can also find my fic in my creative journal (
virtualdreams.livejournal.com). End shameless self-pimping. :-)