
Jul 03, 2005 17:42

Well... Today kind of sucked. I woke up at 8:00. I ate breakfast, and at about 8:15 I decided to go back to bed until 9:00. When I woke up again at 9:00 to get ready for work I realized I didn't have a clean uniform. I figured my mom saw my uniforms in my laundry like she always does and started washing them for me... Well I was right, but they had only been through the washing machine. I had to toss them in the dryer for 40 minutes. In the meantime I took a shower (did you know showering naked in Florida is technically against the law? Weird, huh?) and brushed my teeth and all that stuff. Then I just kinda lay in bed for a while. When my clothes were done the shirt was still a little wet on the collar... But I had to go to work. When I got to Publix we were really slow... But by 11:30 or so we had almost every register open with a line all the way back to the aisles on every one of them. And (of course) I had carts at noon. It was bright and sunny outside, about 100 degrees waiting to squeeze me dry. It was HELL! I couldn't keep the lot even remotely clear without bringing in 8 or 9 carts at a time. I was getting dizzy by the time I came back inside for my break at 1:00. Luckily I had an hour, so I used it to run by Pizza Hut and get a buffalo chicken pizza, which was really good. Then after I got off my break I just bagged... For a while I had to bag for 3 registers at once because we were so short on baggers. Then this crazy lady came through one line. She tried to pay with debit but the card didn't go through. The cashier told her the card didn't go through. The lady tried again, complaining that she was gonna be charged twice. It still didn't go through. We told her it didn't go through. She slid her card AGAIN, complaing the card was going through THREE TIMES! We told her if it went through the receipt would print out and the machine would delete the order, but she wanted to hear it from a manager, so the Assistant Store Manager came over and told her. She even slid the card for her (and it went through... see any connections here?). Then the lady started complaing the card went through FOUR times! The manager assured her the card only went through once, because only one receipt came out. Then the lady asked me for help out, so I grabbed her cart and took her out. Halfway to her cart I suddenly sneezed. I covered my mouth, and I wasn't planning on touching her food with that hand right afterwards, but she snatches the cart back from me and says, "I'll take it," and walks away. Freak. But anyways the rest of the work day passed with mild back and neck pains. I came home at 5:00. And now I'm sitting here, updating my journal. Blah.

I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for
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