Thank you so much to
you all for the encouragement in my last entry. I'm not stressed anymore, the second song was finished in time :)
I made the second song (Star and Cloud) as a duet to liven things up a bit. It's such a simple song it would be too boring to sing it as a solo.. hehehehe ;P~ Another good news is they've found me a pianist so that I don't have to sing and play at the same time at the semi-finals.
Me plus hubby will be singing the duet on Sunday (the day of the semi-finals). We've been rehearsing with the pianist twice already. There's a rehearsal tomorrow for all the semi-finalists at the Temple. Aduh gila... gua ngeri bangetttt... nervous pasti ntar Sunday..... :(( dan kalo nervous tuh suara gua gampang out of tune :((( Udah kaya badak terus out of tuneee wadoh siap2 tutup kuping aja dah tuh audience-nya... *bagi2in mufflers* hehaheaheah ;P~
Terus, lagu yg satunya (yg kena disqualified - I See the Miracle) bakalan dinyanyiin juga on Sunday. Tapi cuman untuk hiasan doank.. hhuhuhuhuu... dinyanyiinnya near the end waktu judgesnya ngerundingin nilai. Hari itu juga bakal di announce siapa yg bakal masuk ke Finals. There are 21 of us in the Semi-finals and there will be 10 compositions in the Finals (3rd July).
Dag Dig Dug Dag Dig Dug... I hope all goes well on Sunday.....
Okay now, on a completely different note, I've finally finished my jewellery website!!! Yippppeeee!!! Sorry ya lama banget selesainya untuk yg lagi nugguin :).... Ini nih linknya: If there are any bronken links, please tell me. I had some problems uploading it. There's also one thing that confuses me, when the page is loading it says near the bottom "Done, but with error on the page". Gua nggak ngerti deh apa errornya. Gua liat sih semuanya keluar as I want it to be.
I'd like to ask you guys that have bought jewellery from me a favour. Bisa tolong kasih comment di guestbook nggak? Pretty pleaseee... tapi positive comments aja yahhhh.. heheheheh *tebar2 cookies* and tolong write your comments in English yah.... Thanks banget yg mau tulis komentar di guestbook gua... *cup cup muah muah*
The guestbook link is in "contact us" page (The button is on the right hand side of the page), terus click "sign guestbook". Atau kalo males ke
sini aja :)
Untuk yg mau isi positive comments ttg website juga bolehhhhhh... tolong in English yah... Thank you lohhhhhh...