
Mar 02, 2004 09:50

Got our pictures taken on Saturday in The Portrait Place inside Myer. It didn't take too long, 10 mins at the most. The photographer took some 'couple shots' and 'individual shots'. I'm just planning to buy one $10 large portrait of a 'couple shot', just hope there is at least one decent-looking one among all the pictures she took. The pictures will be ready for inspection in two weeks :)

After that we watched Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Biasa aja menurut gua sih. Nothing special.
Went to eat Indo food for dinner at Kingsford. Big fans of Pempek Palembang that we are, we've practically tried most Indo restros that sell it... the best one I've tried so far is in 'Samudra Palembang'... now any sydney-siders that knows of a better place to eat Pempek, do feel free to tell me ;) I'm in the hunt of yummy pempek.. hehhhehe

On Sunday I went out with Kim, left hubby at home with the internet.. hohohoho ;P
We had lunch (as always) this time at a Vietnamese Restro on George St (can't remember the name). Had red rice and crispy chicken.. yum yum.. but nothing beats Vietnamese food in Otahuhu, Auckland (NZ)- they're the best.
Is there anyone out there who's got red rice recipe??? Maybe I should search the internet for it.. hehehe... but if anyone of you have a true, tried and tested successful recipe... please please, pretty please with a cherry on top - tell me yah ;)

After lunch we went to a chinese bakery, bought egg tarts for dessert :) Then went to Market city - bought bubble tea... gile makaaann terus dah... hihihhih.. Stopped by at bygone7 work place and said hi briefly. It's just nice to keep in touch and catch up with Kim once in a while :)

We were talking about Swarovski crystals - she said she just joined to become a member. I didn't know that there is such thing. It sounds pretty good though... $50 a year, or $130 for 3 years.. you get a crystal swan and crystal hearts upon joining. Then each year you get a crystal ornamental gift, and they also give you a crystal gift on your anniversary. You also get magazines and invites to events. That doesn't sound too bad for $50 a year does it? I'm considering joining :) *ngiler crystals*. Maybe I'll just join yearly because I really don't know whether I will still be here in the period of 3 years. Hubby rasanya udah bosen nih di OZ.

Welcome to my older sis maximum_kk (she's the one with the super cute son).
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