Training day

Dec 20, 2003 16:14

I had my training at Subway today :)
I was supposed to have my training last Thursday, but they canceled it. The shop is still closed, it will be officially open to the public tomorrow.

Anyway, I started training at 9.30am and was supposed to finish at 12.30pm but ended up finishing at 2.30pm. They under estimated the time it would take to learn the whole thing, so asked us to stay on longer if we could. Most people stayed on, some of them has had training before in the other branch. There were around 10 new people there.

Training was interesting, it was enjoyable I guess. It's not hard work. We started on making the bread and cookies, then slicing the ingredients. Learnt how to clean up and keep things in order, how to make the sandwiches, etc...
They gave us a free sandwich at the end of it. I was so hungry already and my legs were tired coz I've been standing all day.
I'll get used to standing up all day I'm sure.

One of the senior was asking us our ages. It was so embarrassing, I don't really want to tell them my age :P~
When I finally told them, they were really surprised.. they thought I was 18 :P~ There was this Asian guy, he thought I was from the Philipines... I told him I'm Indonesian. Surprise surprise he is also Indonesian :)... he doesn't look Indonesian - you know how sometimes you can just tell if someone is from Indonesia by just looking at their faces, and I'm not talking about native Indonesians, I'm talking about the Chinese Indonesians. Anyway, his last name doesn't sound Indonesian either, it sounds more like Mexican (o_0)

So now I'm back home.... and I'm sooooo booorrreeedddd :(
I will not be working tomorrow coz they don't need me there.
The Manager said I might need to come in on Monday, he'll give me a ring tomorrow. BTW my piano teaching is finished for the year, so I'll be working in Subway in the summer holidays. I'll get back to teaching at the last week of January 04 when school starts again.
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