
(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 11:12

I'm sick of everyone putting off answering the phone in the hope that someone else will get it. I'm sick of Blonde Colleague doing nothing but chatting on the phone with her friends at work, and nattering on pointlessly at the rest of us in between phone calls. I'm sick of having the fucking radio on at work when there are already phones ringing and up to five other people all talking on the phone in really quite a small room. I'm sick of errors and inaccuracies that I have to fix. I'm sick of mindless chirpy fucking optimism. I'm sick of computer systems that don't do what they're supposed to do. I'm sick of double standards and pointless edicts. I'm sick of having to remember each tiny little change in rules and procedures. I'm sick of my coworkers' sense of entitlement. I'm sick of my life being fucked around by this job. I'm sick of my coworkers all pretending that we're a happy little girlie family and all the ridiculous talk of skim milk and shoes and makeup and boys that comes with it. I'm sick of unprofessionalism and blurring of work/life boundaries. I'm sick of being made to feel pointless and obsolete. I'm sick of promised improvements being deferred or forgotten. I'm sick of being made to feel that my grievances are trivial and that I'm a petty, small-minded person for having them.

Why can't I find another job? I've been looking for SIX MONTHS. Surely the fact that I want one half-day per week off for study isn't that big a dealbreaker for prospective employers. I feel totally useless, like there must be something wrong with me. Is it that my skills look good on paper but I'm too ugly or have a personality problem or don't wear makeup or smell funny?

work/school, woe

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