linzascious - got your card, thanks! I love the kitty photo! I would have got it earlier but I didn't check the PO box for a while as the post office has stupid hours over the Christmas break.
Back at work, not very happy about it. The highlight of my week has been the Wikipedia article on Russian political jokes. Here's my favourite so far:
The KGB, the GIGN and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it. The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist. The GIGN goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"
It's funny how I only feel like updating properly when I'm at work. Here is my rather late loot list. My family and Anthony's both did Secret Santas so I didn't get many things, but the quality was better.
- Bag o' stuff from Dad, as usual - couple of bottles of wine, loads of lollies, random novelty fly shooting gun (my father is a child).
- Secret Santa from whoever it was in Anthony's family - $50 Borders voucher, with which I bought a couple of Star Wars comics. I still have $10 left on it.
- Highlight of them all was my Secret Santa from Grandma - bottle of 1999 Veuve Clicquot. Have not opened it - it needs an occasion. Preferably one with not too many people so I can have nearly all of it. :-P
I am also immensely proud of my gift to my brother. I love buying presents for Ben because you can get creative. Either that, or buy the stupidest crap you can find. I managed to combine the two, as well as including his other favourite present - alcohol. I got him an Instant Silly Stereotype Drunken Mexican Kit. It consisted of a box containing a bottle of mezcal, a dodgy poncho, a big stupid hat, a burrito kit, a fake moustache and a novelty Spanish phrasebook containing phrases like "Yours is the prettiest piglet, miss, but it has shat in my lap" and "No lettuce, for heaven's sake! Can't you see I'm a Gringo?" I was expecting the mezcal to be his favourite bit of the present, but even I underestimated his capacity for loving stupid crap. He wore the fake moustache for about five days.
Nothing else much really happened over the break, except for football related things that no one cares about. Mum and Grandma have been at Bribie Island for the last two or three weeks. I was going to spend maybe a day or two up there with them, but the weather and tides were all wrong. It's a shame, because Grandma probably would have got drunk and gone skinnydipping again (YES. AGAIN), and that would be something worth writing about. :-P She probably did it at some point anyway, but I don't know for certain so it's just not the same.
I have just booked tickets to see the Shaolin Warriors tomorrow night. Anthony doesn't know yet but I will surprise him at lunch. I gave all my money to ticketing agencies last year - why should this year be any different? :-D