OK, so Eurovision. Watched the semifinal and the final, because I'm a sad git, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole smegging lot. Enjoyed dodgy Abba tribute very much. Actually quite enjoyed a couple of the songs too. I still like Denmark's song, even if Europe apparently doesn't, and I also enjoyed Spain, Greece (partly because, yeah, Sakis Rouvas is kinda cute), Serbia & Montenegro, Malta and Cyprus (her voice, anyway. Her backing music was shit). The German guy was a bit different and I liked his band. Was very disappointed with Austria though - they sent someone so hilarious last year, and what did we get from them this year? A bloody boy band. I couldn't make out much of what they were singing, but I think the general gist of it was some dodgy inspirational/lovey dovey song. I think I caught the line "you are a star" or some crap like that. Bo-ring. *yawn*
On the other hand, when Mr "In the Disco" Deen from Bosnia & Herzegovina came out in his little pink vest and started trying to be Kylie Minogue I had a laughing fit so bad that I had to have three puffs of Ventolin and a cup of tea to recover. Also, was amused to see how close Norway came to getting nul points for the fifth time. Of course Sweden had to go and ruin it by doing the neighbourly voting thing, even if Denmark and Iceland, usually sympathetic to the Scandinavian cause, actually realised how bad Norway was and gave them nothing. And did anyone else notice how the enormous Turkish crowd booed when Cyprus and Greece gave their 12-points? :-P
I tried hard all day to NOT find out who won it, and I'd done so well...Anthony saved me once when it came on a news update on telly - I luckily didn't hear it. But then just as it started Anthony's dad came in and said that the Ukraine woman won. In a way it ruined the whole thing. I managed to enjoy it anyway though. And for next year Anthony's dad knows that giving away the results of Eurovision is as much of an offence as telling me the theme ingredient for Iron Chef. :-P
But, basically, I'll be buying the CD today and the DVD as soon as it comes out. Am such a loser.
Other than that, the weekend was OK. On Saturday I had my hair done in the morning (straight! Yay!), then we lost at netball and went to GPO for Anthony's neighbour's birthday. Didn't enjoy that too much. I was worrying about money too much, didn't know anyone and just felt really out of my element. Also, whenever I go to trendy places like that, much as it's really not my scene, I get miserable because all the other girls there are just SO much better looking than me. Except the really fat ones with bad blonde dye jobs and lycra clothes they really shouldn't wear. But, yeah, everyone else looks much better than me, and they seem to be having such a nice time and so many friends, and I just end up miserable with inadequacy.
Sunday was much better. Wine tasting on the boat in the morning - I ate a whole wedge of King Island Camembert cheese. *drool* Also, the wine was nice as usual. They had a liqueur with chillies in it called Dragon's Breath - that stuff is awesome. Great for practical jokes too. :-P We only ordered a dozen bottles this time, as I am very poor and we really don't need the wine anyway. After that we wandered around the Riverside Markets for a bit. I picked up a frog ring, which I like almost as much as the one I lost in Lightning Ridge, and a pair of cat earrings for my mum. Naomi got me another frog for my necklace. I'm all frogged up. That sounds wrong, but hilarious. Also got Anthony a rhino carved out of stone for $20, some really nice chocolate brownie that I've just scoffed for lunch, some peppermint truffles, a fetta and olive bread thingy, and Anthony bought me a little stuffed black cat toy with enormous green eyes. I named it Anthony, to piss him off. :-P It's very adorable though.
And something else for all the Harry Potter fans...I picked up this HP finger puppet for $1.50, which I have taken the liberty of scanning for your viewing pleasure.
I should probably have gotten one with a better-defined scar, but it's cute nonetheless. He's being kept on a pen, sticking out of my Dragonball Z cup, next to my Lord of the Rings pencil tin. *happy geek*
The Riverside Markets used to be very snobby and a bit expensive, but I think the Valley Markets are going a bit that way now. I got all the abovementioned crap for only about $30 in total. I should go browse there more often. Anthony doesn't like it much though, except for the bits where he can look at nice shiny carved rhinos. :-P Anyway, we spent the rest of the day lounging at Liz and Andrew's. They were doing engagement party invitations. I beat Anthony at pool then we went home. Watched Eurovision, went back to my place. Got yelled at for nothing, as usual, but managed to restore peace by giving Mum the earrings I'd bought her, albeit a little resentfully. I then proceeded to not get enough sleep, but made it to work on time despite the best efforts of my eyelids and the late trains (again). And now here I am. *shrug*