Sep 06, 2002 00:29
Anthony finished drawing little anuses on cats and now I'm here using his computer with its very very big monitor set to a very very big resolution and its very very big hard drive and I'm very very jealous. OK, well, I'm not really, but anyway. Today I got up at the ridiculous hour of 10.30 and proceeded into the city to meet up with Anthony and Ona and Sarah. We were on a mission to find pants and shirts and the like. Ona put a $300 suit on layby in Myer in the city but we had to go to Brookside before I could find the pants that I wanted in my size. I had my usual "Are you sure it looks good?" fit and eventually felt confident enough to actually layby. Hurrah! So in a while I'll have a swanky new pair of $100 pinstripe pants.
We dropped in at the comic book shop at one point and I saw something insanely brilliant - a 12" doll of Colonel Hogan! Of course I'm absolutely convinced now that Colonel Hogan and I were meant to be together, so I'm going to drop hints to people to get it for me for Christmas or something. *g* Would prefer Corporal Newkirk of course, but I'll take what I can get. *nods*
I'm in a very Robbie Williamsy mood at the moment. I was listening to The Ego Has Landed on the bus on the way into the city this morning and it made me feel pointlessly happy for some reason. Hurrah! As soon as I get is what will be purchased from the JB Hi-Fi down the road:
Robbie Williams Shopping List
Sing When You're Winning special collectors' edition
Life Thru A Lens
I've Been Expecting You
Angels special Asian import
Robbie Williams Live at the Albert DVD
Nobody Someday DVD
Where Egos Dare DVD
I realise that it's pathetic that I haven't already acquired these items, but finances have prevented it. I was buying Red Dwarf videos last time I had money, which was about four and a half months ago now. But tax returns are wonderful things, and I'm expecting one soon thankfully.
Hmm...what else can I drivel on about? *thinks* Well, my current favourite show is on tomorrow night - old episodes that I've already seen, but I'll watch them again. :-) And my mother will probably watch one of them with me. How many people can say that the show they watch with their parents is Queer As Folk? Well, with my mum anyway. The show I watch with Dad is any given Britcom really.
It's fun to pretend to be Elrond, Gil-Galad and Glorfindel and tell dirty stories on public transport. *nods* It's also fun to shout at cyclists from the car. It's fun to put ice down people's shirts. It's fun to do all sorts of things that I shouldn't do. *g*
Jesus count for today - only one again. His new designation is Builder Jesus. He was wearing builder clothes and he was really quite dull I suppose. But I'm sure there will be some spectacular Jesuses out there somewhere. *convinced*
Sorry about the randomness, but I have nothing better to do. :-) Anthony's just sitting there reading the Silmarillion because he's smart and ALL smart people MUST read the Silmarillion or else they're not smart anymore. *nods* Anyway, I'll go now.
pointless list,