Jul 29, 2002 03:48
Well, I know I said that I would sleep last night due to having work today, but someone *glares at Anthony* kept me online all night as usual. *g* I know I can't really blame other people, because I could've left at any time, so I'll just blame society as usual instead. :-) Anyway, I didn't sleep and then had to be at the netball club by 9am. I showered. It was bloody freezing when I emerged from the shower, a nasty side effect of winter, but still...made it to the club on time, so it was all good.
I was rather distressed at first because my mind was so addled through lack of sleep that I was having trouble adding up very simple sums which I would normally skip over easily. Thankfully it passed and my usual quick mental arithmetic took over, decreasing the amount of effort required and thus increasing my 'enjoyment' of the work. Oh well. I just snapped at people mostly and it was all good. :-P My grandmother considers me an efficient worker, I think, so it doesn't seem to matter if I glare occasionally. :-) Like when people come up and order two dollars' worth of red fucking frogs. Tasty they might be, but you try counting the fuckers out, not being able to use your hands due to health and safety regs and having them all sticking together. *mutters obscenities under breath*
Anyway, finished at about 3.30, got paid, came home and slept for maybe an hour. Ona and Kits showed up at some point, and we went on a video/snack run - after much spontaneous orgasming over the LOTR DVD ad thingies everywhere and Kits rubbing herself against Pippin's groin, we hired out three Trek movies - Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home and Undiscovered Country - and two Dwarf tapes that I haven't got. Combine these with my original Trek videos and basically you're set for a lovely night looking at Arnold Rimmer and Captain Kirk's gratuitous posing, lovely tight pants and occasional arse shot. *g* However, Ona is an aberration - she wants to shag Spock. This is wrong. Captain Kirk is the only one allowed to shag Spock. Ona must be corrected; I have much work to do. *eg*
They went to sleep about twenty minutes ago now, so of course I'm here online talking to Anthony instead of sleeping, which is what I should be doing. I'm so not going to uni today. I think I'll sleep for three days straight instead.
Why am I developing an unhealthy liking for 7-Eleven roast lamb and gravy hot rolls?
OK, now Ona's up again and she's just taken Leonard Nimoy's second autobiography into the toilet with her. Needless to say, this really disturbs me. I think I'll go now.
star trek,
red dwarf,