I seem to be one of those people who doesn't care what you've contributed to the world... I care if you're a nice person or not. I've met a person who everyone else raves over... she's made some seriously important contributions to tech. I can't deny that. But she was downright rude to me when I met her... and I simply don't understand why everyone else likes her so much because of such. I mean, people rave about her. Magazines rave about her. But all I can remember is how she gave me the brush-off. Maybe I'm the only one she's done that to? Maybe she wasn't rude to everyone else? Of course, maybe she's the type that only likes talking to you if you've done something important or if you want to talk tech, and, frankly, I don't like those type of people at all. And this isn't the only person such a thing (or a similar thing) has happened with.
Am I the only one who cares more about how a person is as a person rather than what they've done? I don't care if you've done something that improves all of humanity on a daily basis... if you're rude or mean, then I think you're an asshole (who made a major contribution to humanity. I mean, I give credit where credit is due.)
It's frustrating. Sometimes I want to go up to people and say "you think they're so great... you don't know how they've treated me." And sometimes I think if I did that, the other person would be like "so what?"
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