Changes in Relationship Status

Sep 08, 2008 13:27

WinterRoseASFR and I are no longer a couple. Now we're an "it's complicated".

The committed couple thing just wasn't working out, but we still love each other and want to spend time with each other and, when he gets his libido back again, still have sex with each other. We still seem to be committed to supporting each other in various ways, ways that I'm terribly grateful for.

It's been a long time coming, but I was the one who actually pulled the plug. It felt terrifically liberating... it was such a rush to say the things I had wanted to say for a long time.

Now I'm kinda depressed about it and also kinda hopeful about it, because, best case scenario, nothing has to change except the expectations that weren't working for us. We can still live, love, share, and dream together. Oh, and watch Scrubs together. :-)

It really wasn't anyone's fault... it just wasn't meant to work out, I think. I'm trying not to feel like this is another failed relationship to add to my pile of failed relationships which sits around and reminds me what a failure I am. It really wasn't my fault this time.

Wednesday is his birthday, so I'm taking him on a cheap but awesome day out. We're going to visit Smithsonian museums together (he requested the Museum of Natural History... Hall of Mammals, here we come!) and we're taking a picnic. I also promised him a full body massage, complete with essential oils. I'd like to give him a birthday blowjob, but I don't know if he'll be in the mood by then.

relationships, winterrose

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