Jun 29, 2012 17:19
The uses of bloodbending:
Body manipulation/puppetry
Chi suppression
What else can it do? Blood is the life and essence of things, and apparently is somehow corralational to the body's chi system. (not sure how b/c that wasn't as important as making sure Makorra happened at the expense of all respect for Mako other than eye candy. Whatever) If the blood can block the pathways to disable bending beyond even what the most skilled waterbending master in the world can reverse, could the opposite be done? Could Amon have opened these 'pathways' and 'given' people bending?
Medical healing. The antibodies in the human body circulate in the blood; if powerful enough, could a bloodbender manipulate these? Likely not since these are mediated by cytokines, and not water, which is in the blood which the bender manipulates. The cytokines are proteins, therefore not effected, but they can be stimulated by antigens. At present, I see no way to reconcile manipulating the immune system with bloodbending(darn it).
What about plain waterbending healing? Well, I don't know; that was never explained either (like one minute Katara's in the healing hut then she's throwing down with Pakku and then she's healing Aang's lighting strike. Not to hate on her skills but the flip does that work?) I think the idea is that it mends and soothes or something like that: very mystical and wishy-washy. If it was actually bloodbending, I could understand that better or at least the concept, but the actual application doesn't work. Healing of skin is through mitosis, and chemicals sending signals in the body and tissue mending and freaking fibroblasts; I don't understand how waterbending would heal that.
But with bloodbending, if the injury were a cut or something like that, I can see a practical actual application, with the blood flow and clotting and staving off infection.
So how does healing by blood/waterbending actually work, even in theory? Thoughts?
legend of korra,
l.o.k review