In 2012,
c3childs resolves to...
Buy new sherlock holmes.
Become a better prose.
Put fifty lady_dominates a month into my savings account.
Give some c3childs to charity.
Eat more ga_unicorns.
Keep my switchfoot clean.
Now where does one buy a sherlock holmes? And I mean new, hot off the line. Not a used one that has gotten attached to his Watson and will spend every other moment not solving odd crimes, experimenting with different newly legal 'medicinal' drugs, and being a lazy, whining, brooding, condescending being trying to get back to Baker Street.
As if I could improve.
I'm...not even sure who that is. Or how to transfer a people into currency...unless I'm supposed to start some kind of slave trade? That can't be right.
Uh...what is this char-i-tee?
I'm really not so sure about that. I mean, those unicorns go straight to my hips, but they have like zero calories. It's like magic or something.
Sounds like a knife, almost. Speaking of, I need to sterilize mine.