Short Fic: Tea Time

Feb 09, 2012 12:49

Title: Tea Time
Character: Jun(e)/Piandao
Summary: Short Fic

June was not happy. Who would be after being forced to serve under a group of old men, specifically that man? Except maybe that one Water Tribe kid, but he was plain weird. And then he wouldn't even let her have one little cup of sake. He actually had the gall to suggest tea.

Tea, of all things!

However, he compensated her very well, and at least she wasn't bored most of the time. Except for right now.

Because right now, Piandao - on pain of death, she would never call him Master - was playing a lame Pai Sho game with Iroh who kept leering at her. June glared at the creepy retired general and sipped her tea, then winced at the bitter taste. She stood to find sugar or alcohol, whichever came first.

Piandao and Iroh continued their game quietly, little to no conversation between them. Some noise from the front of the tea shop drifted into the back room, but for the most part it was quiet. June hated the quiet. It made her tense and restless and paranoid. 'It was a little too quiet' is a cliche for a reason. She found the sugar, returned to her tea, and added no less than four tablespoons to the small cup.

Glancing up, she noted the mild look of horror on Iroh's face. Piandao looked up between the two, and June thought she saw a light smirk. She slurped it loudly and smiled.

"With some tea," Piandao said, "sugar actually enhances the taste. Chai spice, for example."

"True," Iroh placed a Boat tile with a triumphant air, "but a strong tea, brewed to perfection without any...enhancements is best, wouldn't you agree?"

June didn't agree at all but chose not to say anything. Iroh was fanatically passionate about tea and would force her to sample each variation he had in an attempt to convert her, and in her opinion, make her more suitable. She didn't want to dwell on the what for of her suitability. The possibilities were just too disturbing.

Iroh was just so damn creepy.

"Perhaps," Piandao conceded, contemplating the board for a moment.

"Perhaps, June," he purred her name and smiled, fingering his beard, "you could stay here with me while Piandao attends to that other matter. It would be a good chance for me to learn more of your special skill sets."

Piandao glanced at her. "Are you all right, June?"

"Yeah, I just...threw up in my mouth a little."

fic, fic: atla, character: jun/june, character: piandao

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