Oct 15, 2007 22:56
You know, if we, or rather I, got paid to procrastinate, I'd be one rich man. I am so good at this that i even procrastinate sleeping. Not that it hasn't gotten me in trouble recently, but then I always seem very fortunate to be able to pull out of it.
For those who don't know for certain, my major is math, and I and quite enjoying the classes I am taking for it. They tend to take up all my time, but I really enjoy the logical rigor of a good mathematical proof, an I think I am getting \quite good at them. That being said, i am wondering if I should change my focus. I know that most, if not all, good college students toy with the idea of changing their major. And while i don't want to change my major, sometimes I wonder if I might not want to study more theory than practical application for my degree. I have never really thought of myself as a practical man... ;)
Anyhoo, i just brought that up because I am not liking the time it is taking me to work on the programming assignments that I have to do if I want to go into Natural Language processing (ie: teaching computers to understand language), but I find that my passion for it is quite strong when I actually get down to it. I am really thinking I should suck it up, after all, i am not doing bad at all, just not good as I might like, and perfection isn't my immediate goal. I hope to have uncountably many minutes to truly accomplish that, meaning it won't happen in this lifetime. So why do now what you can perfectly put off for later?
Another procrastination topic, the time between my posts.
Hope this finds you doing well and safe.
-"Adversity? I think that is an old ship from the civil war era'- Anchorman, the Legend of Ron Burgundy