Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 26, 2004 00:19

Hello everyone I hope you're all enjoying your thanksgiving. Mine was alright I guess I mean aside from not being able to spend any of it with my family and the shitty food, it was pretty ok. Basically what I am trying to say here is be thankful for what you have you ungrateful fuckers!

Not too much has been happening, we did a convoy yesterday, I drove, nothing at all happened, and I wanted to test my skills to see if I could shoot and drive at the same time, hmph.

I got some books from Amazon, so that should keep me busy for a little while, I didn't get my package, I will get it next week.

I don't know what else to say other than I am envious of every one of you that takes "having" to spend thanksgiving with your famalies for granted.

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