Just the Beginning

May 13, 2007 10:55

Tomorrow is the seniors' last day of high school.

Tuesday, I will unofficially be a senior.


I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to make a list of things that I learned this year. I haven't started this yet. Guess what I am doing now? Partial list commencing.

This year, I learned...:

How to graph using polar grids
Best friends come from the most unlikely places
"Solos" is not spelled with an "e"
Neither is "truly"
Never drive down Wornall while listening to Ben Folds
I think that I am way too forgiving
I used way too many misplaced modifiers in my writing
Text messaging gets expensive
I would pay to have Michael Buble's children
Drawing the line between friendship and love is difficult
I have an annoying habit of attracting nerdy, awkward boys
Foucault's book will be released when I'm old
I am way too well-rounded
I have mad BSing skilz
How to use HTML commands
How to hack into internet sites
The class of '09 isn't as bad as all of the teachers say. Or at least the ones I talk to aren't.
My parents are overcontrolling and WAY too conservative
Philosophy and epistomology are pointless when you're in a class of single-minded dumbasses.
You can get a guy to do anything, no matter how stupid, just by saying, "Don't be a pussy."
Guitar hero is way fun.
I'm bad at handling uncomfortable situations.
I talk way too much.
Sometimes I don't talk enough.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
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