Off to the holiday concert

Dec 12, 2006 19:13

SUBJECT: Your Beginnings
1. Birth name: Jennifer
2. Birth date: December 22, 1989
3. Birth origins: What does that even mean?
4: What name would you have hated to have: Hilde. Helga. Olga. Something like that.
5. What's the first thing you recall when you think about your childhood: The first time I caught a firefly and I was really scared of it.
6. Your first word: Mama. Stereotypical.
7. Favorite picture of you when you were a kid: Haha. Probably the one of me holding Big Bird. It describes my childhood with just one picture.
8. Who took care of you: Mi madre y padre, y mis abuelos.
9. Your mother's maiden name: Gieselman. Beeyooteeful.
10. Your race: Other. ;-) I'm Mediterranean and I'm proud, dammit.

SUBJECT: Your personality
11. Song to sum up who you are: Fergalicious. Just kidding. I don't think there's a song for me...
12. List 3 OBJECTS that give us a sense of what you're like:
a. Flute
b. Coffee mug
c. Tony Gonzalez jersey
13. Be blunt. What's one thing you love about yourself: I win people over. Even the rude people who are really mean to nerdy people.
14. Do you have your crazy moments or are you pretty rational overall: Yes.
15. What's your first move when you are angry: I tilt my chin down and look at the person with just my eyes. Then I usually cross my arms or begin gesticulating even more than usual.
16. Do you think you have a personality disorder: Possibly
17. Are you private about yourself: Generally speaking.
18. Do you feel down-to-earth or somewhat removed from society: Both.
19. Is there more to hate or more to love about you: Depends on how forgiving of a person you are. Haha.
20. Name someone who is your twin soul: What the hell?

SUBJECT: Your life
21. Rate it on a scale of one to ten: 8.
22. What was the worst year for you: 8th grade. Actually, change that to 2004. End of middle school and beginning of high school.
23. Is your life exciting enough to be written down in a book: LMAO. Who would want to read about me?
24. Which represents your life best-- bright colors or dark colors: Bright, I guess.
25. Do you live in the moment: No. I should work on that a little bit. i think about the future too much.
26. Do you sometimes sit and wonder how you got to where you are today: Yes
27. How could life be better for you right now: I have two things in mind.
28. So far, has all of it been worth it: Most.
29. The greatest lesson you've learned: "Don't take jack from anyone"
30. Your philosophy: Memento Mori - remember that you must die

SUBJECT: Your beliefs
31. What's your creed? Meaning, if you had to put your beliefs into a personal statement, what would that statement say: Truth, justice, and the American way. (oh, snap)
32. Do you concern yourself with the afterlife: Yes.
33. Is it wrong to promote one's beliefs in order to convert others: You mean like evangelism/missionary work? No. But forcing it on people IS wrong.
34. What's one religion, other than your own, that you've been curious to try: Not necessarily to try, but I'd like to learn more about Buddhism. I know lots of people who claim to be Buddhist.
35. At what age did you start thinking about your soul: I'm not sure I have yet.
36. Is there such a thing as a soul: Yes.
37. What is the true nature of humans: "Stupid and dependent", just like Traci said.
38. In your opinion, why is there suffering in the world: Because we let our personal desires overrule right versus wrong. Adam and Eve. That sort of thing.
39. If you created your own religion, would it be a peaceful or violent: That's a pointless question.
40. What do you value: Respect and trust

SUBJECT: Your surroundings
41. Where do you live: LSMO
42. What's your neighbor like: Haven't met them yet. They just moved in.
43. Do you like to keep yourself in a busy or peaceful atmosphere: Busy.
44. The color of your room: Lightish/brightish green.
45. What are the people like in your country: Ignorant, apathetic, etc. Some of them.
46. Is pollution a problem around your area: Not really
47. What do you hate about the place you live in: Cold in the winter
48. How could your neighborhood be better: More big trees and aesthetically pleasing houses
49. What's the most exciting thing to do in your town: DDR for five hours straight on a Friday night
50. If you could live anywhere else, where would that be: Texas, Florida, something. Somewhere warm.

SUBJECT: Your choices
51. If you had three daughters, what would you name them:
a. Emma
b. Hazel
c. Madison
52. If you had three sons, what would you name them:
a. Nicholas
b. Lucas
c. Daniel
53. Name a situation where you believe you'd lose control and kill another individual: If I or someone nearby was about to get seriously hurt, raped, or killed.
54. If you found an undiscovered tribe, what would be the first thing you would give them from the new world: I like Traci's answer: soap
55. If a homeless man approached you as you're leaving a restaurant and asked for your leftovers, would you give it to him: Probably
56. Would you ever slap your child if your child slapped you: Yes.
57. If given the opportunity to re-play a memory, what would you ask to re-live through: I have my list.
58. If you were to be on a talk show, what would the episode be called: "Wait, what am I doing again?"
59. If you were to be executed, what would be your last thought: "I'm innocent, dammit"
60. If you could give a gift to your maker, what would you give: That's a weird question

SUBJECT: Your Motivation
61. Short-term goals: Get my ToK, Spanish, and math grades up to A's, do well on Saturday at all-state auditions, find a client for my ITGS project
62. Long-term goals: Make all-state band next year, get at least a 32 on the ACT, graduate in the top 15 in my class (right now I think I'm in there), get at least one 6 on IB exams, get a good scholarship to a good college, be happy, not get osteoporosis, get 1's at state contest again
63. Why do you want to accomplish these goals: I want to.
64. Do you feel you have enough motivation to do the things you want to do: Sometimes
65. Who/What is blocking you from what you want to do: Me, my family
66. Do you plan for the future: Sometimes.
67. What's a recent opportunity that you passed up: Opportunity for CAS hours by delivering gift cards to teachers.
68. Do you envy those who have their shit together: Yes
69. What motivates you to see tomorrow: The hope that it'll get better, looking forward to something, a few people (namely Thomas, Logan, Caitlan, Hayden, Megan, Nate, Vinciane)
70. Someone who inspires you: I don't really have one source of inspiration.

SUBJECT: Your Love
71. Who do you love most: I don't know.
72. Are you a caring person: Yeah, I just have a hard time deciding who I should care about.
73. Do you know someone who loves you, but you do not return their love: Not anymore.
74. What/Who was your first love: Next question. Awkward subject.
75. Your favorite love song: "Crash" by DMB, "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds
76. Have you ever met someone who didn't deserve love: Yes.
77. Do you give a lot of love to others: Yeah, I show it in weird ways though.
78. Do you keep enough love for yourself: Sometimes
79. Is there lack of love in society today: No, but sometimes it's directed to the wrong things.
80. Where can love always be found: Soup kitchens? I don't know.

SUBJECT: Your sins
81. Out of the seven deadly sins, which one are you guilty of most: Envy, or maybe wrath. At one point it would have been gluttony.
82. Name one event where you didn't offer help to someone who needed it. Why did you restrain yourself from helping: I'm guilty. Usually because I don't think I'd be able to help much.
83. Last thing you lusted after: A male?
84. Last time you acted out in anger: Yesterday
85. Do you buy too many things you don't need: Not usually
86. What's one trait in people that you resent: not taking responsibility
87. Have you ever put someone's life in danger: Ha. Probably. My own for sure.
88. Did you ever spread a rumor: Yes.
89. What's the ugliest thing you've done that you're sure you'll regret for a very long time: Confidential.
90. What would hell be like for you: Cold, dirty hotel room with no windows, a dripping faucet, one lamp, a TV that would never turn off but only showed "The Simple Life" or Barney... and no booze.

SUBJECT: Your virtues
91. Last time you acted out of kindness: This afternoon
92. Last time you told the truth: Today?
93. Have you ever changed someone for the better: Yes. Nate's not being a total asshole ALL of the time anymore.
94. Have you let go of your past mistakes: All but about two.
95. Would you take a bullet for anyone: A couple people.
96. Would you agree that you're trustworthy: I am very trustworthy.
97. Who was the last person that came to you for advice: Carl
98. What's the most likeable trait that others see in you: I don't know. Sometime I'm going to ask somebody that question because I wish I knew.
99. What do you hope for the world: The realization that man cannot make peace alone.
100. What would heaven be like for you: My heaven? Warm, sunny, good music, fun people, good food (preferrably tropical fruits) that I could eat as much as I wanted without worrying about calories, OUTSIDE, no bugs or spiders
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