you are guilty of what you accuse me of. you are not a concern of mine any longer (sorry that you have one less thing to be dramatic about). you, as well as joe, are delusional. and once again, you're not that important that you need to feel like you are the root of my problems. be friends with whomever you want. i just feel sorry for you, having to do this. wow...nothing bothers me more than people who are blind to their own faults. give me a break. and i don't appreciate you turning my otherwise drama-free livejournal into your personal pity party. tsk tsk. and for the record, anything that worried me with joe that had to do with you was based soley on the fact that i felt he still had feelings for you. and when you are in a relationship and have feelings for another, things are bound to go awry. they just do. something in your subconcious i guess. so calm yourself down and leave me alone, because arguments at your sorry level are only possible after losing a significant amount of intelligence, which i really am missing right now. you take your pity and i'll take my self-assurance and we can have a day. goodbye.
Here is one thing you seem to have forgotten. You are the one that started this. I'm not the one who went around calling you evil and munipulative for no reason. I don't "feel the need" to do or be anything, you are the one who said i was to I don't even know how many people, Fox only being one of the few from what I've been hearing from others. So before you start talking about things staying "drama free"...take a lot at yourself. I didn't want to have anything to do with this and you brought me in. You want me to leave you alone, that's fine and dandy, I'm not the one who made you the scapegoat for because i couldn't face the true reality. You and me were cool before, but you decided you wanted to hate me for doing...what? I don't know. For being someone's friend. The only reason that i did this was because I was hearing from all these people that you are going around telling them that I am trying to break up you and Fox, that I am munipulative, and that I am evil. You said this to I don't know how many people to the point where it made Ann Marie and Caron feel like they had to talk to me as though I am the root of all this. I don't mind you hating me for no reason, or blaming me because it makes your life convenient, but when you go around spouting that hate to other people and making them think things about me that are completely false, yea, that tends to piss me off. The internet isn't the best way but I'm not going to walk up to Sharon Hill to find you to defend myself when I've done nothing wrong. Just keep your mouth shut at your lunch tables and when you're talking to your friends and keep my name out of your conversations and we won't have any more problems.
i will talk to whomever about whatever. and i don't do it for the sake of gossip. if i cared about people hearing my thoughts and opinions, i wouldn't talk about 'em would i? i am opinionated. wow. and i am skilled at making enemies because of this. but i am totally indifferent to the opinions of others (namely yours). so please, if you could stop using my livejournal to play out your pathetic life, i'd be much contented. and as for your overwhelming desire to have the last word...well, i live for spite. i love to spite people. so for the time being, i am okay with sinking to your level just to have the satisfaction. i really don't understand why my opinions do matter so much to you anyway. i thought you didn't care what people thought of you. you love drama way too much. this is very entertaining. my life seemed so uninteresting until lately. it's exciting! i'm getting goosepimples thinking about it now. i don't feel the need to pretend. to hide feelings. if you're pissing me off, i'll vent about it to people. that is what i do. i can do nice, but even i have my limits. you've done me the honor of allowing me to breach that limit and venture into pure evil. i must be very important to you, or you wouldn't care so much about my thoughts and opinions. i really do feel special. thank you, jess fowler. thank you for reminding me that i do serve a make your life hell. and if you are able to let silly old me do that to you, then i can't feel sorry for you. you're doing it to yourself. and for the record (i do love using that phrase)...the fact that you believe i have the incredible power to tell people how to think or what to think of you astounds me. i didn't know i could do that. go me. if you are satisfied enough with yourself as a person, and know so surely that everything that i say is so wrong, then why are you so worried that i'm going to influence people's opinions of you? it's not my fault if people can't make decisions on their own. all humans have brains. nifty little things if you really use them once in a while. i've been noticing lately how hard it is for some people to think for themselves, rather than depending on the words of others. believe what you will, but (gasp) ALL MY THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ARE MY OWN! whod'a thunk it? i come to my conclusions based not on what people have told me, but based on the actions of others. which is how it should be. but sadly, it isn't. and i guess you've aready figured out that you will not be verbally kicking my ass any time soon. i mean, i wouldn't mind being told off by some, but with you, it's like arguing with a retarded brick, and i kinda feel bad. even as i type this, i feel bad, because i understand that you know not what you do. but after a while, i just can't help myself. you are sad. pathetic. and it's pretty sad on my part too that i have to sink to your level of self-fulfilling pity drama to try and get you to understand what i am trying to say. i'm trying not to make it too complicated, but for some reason, you're just missing something. wow...i am so disappointed. and for feeling so strongly that you dont have to defend yourself, you seem awfully defensive.
Thank you and good day.
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