Dec 13, 2006 20:42
Well then
To start this entry I suppose I owe you my valued readers an apology for the lack of interesting content over the last few months, seeing as I have abandoned my social commentary style as well as really not posting much about what has gone on in my real life to an extent. Instead I have posted a few pictures, a video, but nothing of substance since september. For that I apologize.
To be honest, the semester has been a bit of a whirlwind.
To start, I joined the Student Government as the media senator. This is significant in two ways. First, up until this year I have held the Student Government in high contempt for it's incompetency. Something that even current members agree I was right to do. They have been lazy, self serving, arrogant, and unable to accomplish anything of value for the students. This year has seen a substantial shift from that. While the shift is not complete, neither is it over. I believe that my involvement, along with the President, and several other members will continue to push the Brighton Campus Student Government into the student frontlight as a first place to go to when there is a problem, they want something to change, or just want to do something. This is why I retracted my original, and proper stance regarding the government, and instead joined for the cliche reason of making a real difference.
Now the question is, what have I done? As resume boosters alone I have accomplished so much in terms of committee work, but then there are real things that will happen now, historic things that will happen at MCC because of my direct involvement in this position at this time. For those of us who are no longer in our freshman year of MCC, there are things we have long wanted to see happen. Such an event is a battle of the bands. This will be put on hopefully during next semester. Now how is it that my involvement is the reason this will happen? Our college radio station, WMCC The Fuse had planned to put on such an event. In fact I found out about it soley because of another change I was working on related to Student Government's involvement with the media. The Fuse put this event on the never going to happen pile of their paperwork, as they could not fund it. Through some legwork, some phonecalls, and some convincing, we were able to acquire the necessary funds so that this project may go ahead. The day that this was all accomplished, because yes it was essentially accomplished in just one day, I was ready to storm the world.
As for the involvement of Student Government with the campus media. It has been somewhat of a contention seeing as the Government has not obeyed its by-laws regarding reports to be both aired and printed. This I have also gone about solving by issuing in essence, press releases to both the radio station, and our campus newspaper the Monroe Doctrine. (Please, I know it's a horrible name, there's nothing I can do about it at this point.) Now while there have been issues with the MD, The Fuse news department has been more than accomodating to us.
My dear friend, who I will be raving with for New Years Eve feels I have gone to political, maybe she is right.
Allison and I are no longer together, but then again most people already knew this. We broke up probably for the last time, she made accusations towards me that after I tried to address, she refused to respond. She also claimed that the accusations had been leveled before, but was unwilling to give me a time in the past when it had happened. So what was probably doomed from the start ended after only two months. Such is life.
On the issue of ex girlfriends, there has been a most interesting development regarding one who has been a part of my life since 2004 at the status of ex girlfriend. Yes I am referring to Lyn. Most of you my readers know she and I were rather harsh towards eachother, in such a way that borderlined violent and sadistic. This semester that has also come to a close and as she put it "we're cool now." That chapter of my life is officially over, and as my closest friends already know, I am incredibly relieved about. It is nice to not have to be watching my back perpetually from that, and while it will undoubtedly take some time still for the damage to repair, and some of it might never, I am much calmer now at school. A side note, she is also a member of the Presidential Cabinet.
That leads me to a matter of more my personal relaxation. As I mentioned my dear friend and I will be going raving on New Years Eve, a promise that was made early in 2006. I have taken up glowsticking once again, only having done it at a rather young age. I wished to learn poi, but it was not going to happen. I am more or less abandoning the art of spinning and just simply grooving with the glowsticks in hand. In such a manner as well that all of my friends who have also taken this art up with me say that I am, and I quote "Really fucking good." That is what has inspired the previous pictures and videos.
Well, that just about wraps it up, I do have several finals to continue preparing for. Though it is nice to know that no matter how bad I do at them, I cannot fail their respective classes. For I, am a genius.