(no subject)

Aug 18, 2005 00:07

Ten things that make me happy [or something like it].

1.) Oh wow, that kid that's been around with me for what feels like forever, and has dealt with my bitching, and constant shit, and all of that bad stuff. That one.
2.) Being able to hang out with my friends.
3.) Music - specifically everything that is stored on my computer [1500+] and all that is about to come.
4.) Photography, with both my two hundred dollar digital camera [to catch those moments like Nicki's Jeff making out with her passenger side window, or Ofra's "one hot mama" hat at Meijer], and my beautiful [ghetto] Nikon [to preserve those enchanting sunsets, or cloud formations... and many times, also the beauty of childhood, my brother]
5.) Reading [anything basically, as long as it grabs my attention, and doesn't cease] [my current favorites are The Bell Jar, and Clockwork Orange]
6.) Talking to new people [it seems being able to connect to a totally unknown person makes me feel kind of good inside]
7.) Sleeping [where everything is perfect, where I can be with him all the time, or my friends, and I don't have to worry about the world anymore]
8.) Hot Cocoa [mmmmmmmmm, no explanation needed]
9.) Starbucks [ahh my love - screw you Caribou children... you've been brainwashed... it's all about the Starbucks]
10.) Life [even with its hellish downs, and all of those moments spent crying, I know that when I'm happy, I couldn't ask for anything else in the world]

I tag all of you that have not attempted yet to do this thing.
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