May Angles Lead You In...

Jul 07, 2004 02:10

In a short period of 2 weeks, compared to the 16 years of which i've been wandering throughout, I have learned so much about myself-- not to say that I've finished finding myself, but that I'm finally happy with myself. I've made new friendships, relationships, and commitments and all these are a new start. Realizing that people you've considered close wear facades and masks hurts, their smiles and conversations were nothing more than flower patterned wallpaper hiding walls made of dirt and stone--oh well, life moves on. Old friendships and meaningful ones are obviously kept, but I'm looking in retrospect now in contrast to the pessimism that has pretty much followed my highschool, closeted, and a portion of my open gay life. Meeting up with Rene has definitely helped me with this realization, and he's probably one of the only or very selected few that will ever help me realize such in a lifetime. A new and different future also awaits him in Canada, and I hope he has finally laid his demons to rest. "Make it count." I also would like to thank the infamous ex-boy friend, Mikhail (a.k.a Jack, Bastard, motherfucker... whatever), for all that he's done or lack of. I thought that he and I would actually be good friends, after all, our break-up was kind of mutual in some respects, but having a less committed relationship with him only allowed for him to tell me about the shit he did while he was with me. I can't be bitter for too long, but every bee sting has its swelling... whatever.

Jeremy I'm making a shoutout because you are "PICKED!!!" haha. One hot Swede wife coming up...
And Rich, i never thought you were into the Daddy types... but if headmasters float your boat, more power to you. (if none of this makes sense, feel very very very left out...)
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