Questions from
eroticvulture1. What does having an open third eye feel like?
Well it's not open anymore but I remember feeling a lot of unusual things. I couldn't enter my own house properly at night because I'd get this really major feeling of dread because of the creatures hanging out near our old mirror. I'd know where a lot of these weird spirits would be hanging out. I actually started pointing them out one time and my mom thought that I was on acid. I'd also get these weird flashes of people entering and leaving doorways. I had a bunch of really crazy dreams during the first two weeks of different spirits from our house talking to me or trying to scare me. I'd get these crazy headaches when some people would bring out their tarot cards. It sound ridiculous to me even now and I probably wouldn't believe it if I hadn't gone through it. I'm happy that it's kind of closed though because I don't think I was ready for all of that craziness.
2. When was the last time you cried, what was the cause?
The last time I cried was when I watched the last episode of Six Feet Under on Christmas Day. It wasn't major crying though. I just got really teary-eyed. I hate you for asking this question by the way. You know that I cry easily. You didn't have to make me admit it to the rest of the world.
3. Into any deviant, creepy, or obscure subgenres of porn?
I'm not into anything too deviant, creepy or obscure. I'm not even that much into porn anymore. Not as much as I was when I was younger anyway :P That's all you're getting out of me.
4. Of your odd/jobbing, what gig was your favorite and why?
The whole concept of being in an NGO appealed to me. I liked what I was doing on paper but it never really worked out the way it was supposed to. I enjoyed all the traveling but we didn't do too much of that after the first phase of the project. Plus I was unprepared for all of the work that was required of me. Working in Baci was probably the most enjoyable of them all. I really liked meeting new people and talking to all of our customers. I'd probably put up a similar restaurant when I'm older just so I can keep hang out and meet people.
5. Make another random new year's resolution on top of the general all-base-covering I'm assuming you've already made right now; tell me about it.
Since I been making any resolutions for the past couple of years, I resolve to make some resolutions. I tell people that I don't believe in making resolutions during the New Year because you should be able to change things whenever you want to but the truth is I'm too lazy to actually think about it. I therefor resolve to actually make a list of things that I shall do to improve on myself.
The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.