Mar 29, 2020 17:33
Title: Unnoticed Coffee
Length: 158 words (one shot)
Rating: G
Genre: Slice of Life, Angst
Summary: He didn't notice his coffee... and the world around him.
She sipped her second cup of latte when a familiar face sat on the table next to her.
He was alone on the table and ordered a cup of his favorite capuccino. When the barista brought his coffee, he barely looked up from the mobile poker game that he was playing, oblivious to the world around him.
He didn't notice the intricate design of the foam in his cup.
He didn't notice the strong aroma of the coffee in front of him.
He didn't notice the customized note that the barista wrote on his cup.
He didn't notice that his coffee has turmed cold and was forgotten, just like her.
He was so focused on poker game. In his determination to win, he did not notice that she got up from the table and walked to his side on the way out.
He did not realize that she left the coffee shop and left his life for good.
Disclaimer: This is an original fictional work and does not promote any specific brand or product. Any similarity to people, places, and others are purely coincidental and used for fiction.
Note: I hope everyone is safe and healthy. May the wold recover soon from Covid-19.
coffee short story - one shot - fiction