They're coming for us South Paws!!

Dec 13, 2008 07:38

For those of you who don't know, I'm a Lefty (in more ways than one). But this reference is for being Left-handed.

So, I caught this on Digg, a movement to ban Left Handed Marriage:

image Click to view

Some of the comments, that Lefty's can "choose" to be Right-handed and then everything will be OK. But, I'd argue that while that's technically possible, it just not how I was born and how my brain is wired. And, it just feels wrong (and it's really difficult) to write with my right hand.

Kinda reminds me of the German Poem in WW2:

All joking aside, this thought chain kinda reminds me of the Nomad ep from Star Trek (TOS), and Infection from Babylon 5. Both dealt with the idea purging society of the deviants (genetically, in these cases), and eventually coming to the conclusion that everyone has some abnormality (no Pure Breed x5), and going down that road of denying the minority certain rights, you eventually end up with nobody having anything.

The other quote I think of with this is one of the Seven Commandments from Animal Farm (

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
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