loreena tix & health links

Feb 15, 2007 16:46

Got the Loreena McKennit concert tickets last night. Front row Balcony. It'll be nice to see her live again.

I'm kinda curious if any of the East Bay folks know what the Paramount Theater in Oakland is like.

On the health front:

One of the guys here at w*rk has been talking about Coconut Oil w/r/t/ cooking (versus corn, soy, olive, and canola). I found that coconut is a medium-chain fatty acid (vs small & large chains -- and I thought that it was a really long chain fatty acid). From what I can tell it's one of the good kinds of saturated fats (that help increase HDL and lower LDL cholesterol). It also has a really high smoke temp and has a long shelf-life so it makes it good for cooking.

Also, my painful heartburn seems to be caused by the carbs, or at least since the in-earnest dietary shifts to low-carb, it's gone away (no heartburn meds for the last two days, with no problems yet)

So now the hacker/geek in me wants to know the "real story" on some foods and why some are so controversial.
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