May 15, 2005 00:53
i'm bored.
does anyone have any animal crackers ? my mom wants some.
i drew [ drawed ? ] 3 pictures because i like to draw.
my hair's purple instead of red. oh well, you can barely see it anyway, which makes me mad. i wanted like a bright purple. oh well again.
hey guess what ! i hate america's next top model. i was bored and making meatless hamburger helper, so i decided to turn the tv on. take a guess at what was on. so i'm standing making non-meat hamburger helper, and i'm thinking 'this show is really gay let's change the channel' but i'm too fucking lazy to reach over and get it, so i'm standing there just listening to it and it was stupid. who cares if randella or some other girl with a stupid forgien name gets judged off ? they freak out too much. like really, i think modelling is stupid and weird, but i guess you need them you know ? but its really pathetic to make a show out of it. i hate reality shows any way, not to mention this one. it made me laugh how serious they were. how can you be that serious ? i dont see the point to it. you gotta have fun, right ?
well anyway, my cats being cute. just to let you in on the coolest stuff ever.
i'm kinda tired, but i'm waiting for jess to be done with her stupid movie so i can talk to her.
i think i have to clean my room again. i don't know. maybe i will.
i'm gunna paint my nails i think. lime green, anyone ?
my weekends are boring. 13 more days and every day will be a saturday.
i dont really want summer to come. i want to see those connecticutians, but still, summers kind of boring and id actually rather be doing something like school to get my day over with. i hate getting up that early and having to work, and that stuff, but i'm going to bored in the summer. i'm too lazy to do anything.
i wonder what im going to do tomorrow. well today. but you know. i think im going to sleep in until noon, eat some yogurt, go on the computer, read my stupid ass book, clean my room, go on the computer, and then shower, and the go on the computer, and then eat dinner, then computer, then sleep. my days are very interesting, don't tell me.
hey you know what i like ? meatless buffalo wings. theyre really good. i like them. you should try them. so go buy them and eat them. no actually, instead of eating them, throw them at the neighbors when they are out in theyre garden.
actually dont do that.. because theyre good. and if i was your neighbor, it would be a different story, but they might not like you throwing meatless buffalo wings at them. they might not like spicy-ness.
ive been a vegetarian for about a week now. i like it. it's better. maybe its been 2 weeks ? it was mothers day. when was mothers day.
i kind of want to have a salad right now. i think it would be good.
or maybe meatless buffalo wings ?
im kind of wondering why my skateboards in the middle of my room. i have carpet ?
i really want to re-do my room. you know what would be cool ? if i just used different colors of spray paint to do my walls. it would be awesome. and lights everywhere. not like i have a lot now, or anything.
hey i really need to clean out my closet. maybe ill do that tomorrow ? not.
i'm getting really tired now. jeez my beds not even made. like my sheets and cover thingy is in a ball. ROUGH NIGHT LAST NIGHT! yeah right.
i really got to do all my homework and actually hand it in. jeez. i wonder what grade i have in history now ? f still ?
i also have to stop biting my nails. god im stupid.
okay i think im going to go now. goodbye
you know what i also like ? comments. leave me some.